Charlotte (Arabesque G) in a few words
- Female Siberian Cat cream point
- She is born on the 08/28/2023 (1yr 4mos)
- Pedigree: TICA
- Parents: CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY and Arabesque (Litter Arabesque ❤ CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY 2023)
Phoebe (Arabesque G) in a few words
- Female Siberian Cat red tabby
- She is born on the 08/28/2023 (1yr 4mos)
- Pedigree: TICA
- Parents: CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY and Arabesque (Litter Arabesque ❤ CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY 2023)
bright blue collar (Arabesque G) in a few words
- Male Siberian Cat red tabby
- He is born on the 08/28/2023 (1yr 4mos)
- Pedigree: TICA
- Parents: CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY and Arabesque (Litter Arabesque ❤ CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY 2023)
Biscuit (Link) (green collar) (Arabesque G) in a few words
- Male Siberian Cat red tabby
- He is born on the 08/28/2023 (1yr 4mos)
- Pedigree: TICA
- Parents: CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY and Arabesque (Litter Arabesque ❤ CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY 2023)
George (Arabesque G) in a few words
- Male Siberian Cat blue point
- He is born on the 08/28/2023 (1yr 4mos)
- Pedigree: TICA
- Parents: CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY and Arabesque (Litter Arabesque ❤ CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY 2023)
Clifford (Red Collar) (Arabesque G) in a few words
- Male Siberian Cat red tabby
- He is born on the 08/28/2023 (1yr 4mos)
- Pedigree: TICA
- Parents: CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY and Arabesque (Litter Arabesque ❤ CH ZEFIRCHIK MANCHZHURY 2023)
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